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The show has come a long way since 1979 when Tim Hilliard...
Warren Browne and Rick Preston toured the US and Canada... and turned
the reins over to Randy Friskie... Stuart McLeod and Bobby Greer, 
who turned the reins over to an endless line of performers that
continued the tradition. Sometimes 3 different casts would be touring at the same time somewhere in the world. It was, and still is, a phenomenon greater than anyone could ever imagine...
thanks to Elvis... the King of Rock'n'Roll.
Elvis Elvis Elvis continues to update and assemble the very best
available Elvis performers in the world.

Here are some of today's favorite
Elvis, Elvis, Elvis headline attractions...

Elvis in the 50's
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    Cody Slaughter      Justin Shandor     Brandon Bennett      Donny Edwards     Jonathan Lyons       
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Elvis in the 60's
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     Brendan Paul          Greg Miller          Danny Vernon          Matt Cage          Ted Torres               

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Elvis in the 70's
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Shawn Klush          Matt Lewis        Greg Miller         Garry Wesley               Ted Torres
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